I thought it would be fun to post some about my new adventure. Just about a month ago I started taking riding lessons with a good friend of mine...since starting I have absolutely fallen for riding and feel like a little kid waiting for a surprise each week. I'm sure my friends and family will eventually grow tired of my horse babbling...but for now they lend their ears as I spout my newest learnings and experiences. Also, I really, really, really love the horse that I am working with, Chance. Lynda describes his personality like that of an eager lab...ready to please. LOL!! He is a ball to work with. I'll be posting more info and new photos as a little documentary of my little adventure.

I walked over to my friend Lynda to show her how to work the camera.
Chance decided that he would come along to help and take the opportunity
to check out this Blueberry contraption on my head. =P

I walked over to my friend Lynda to show her how to work the camera.
Chance decided that he would come along to help and take the opportunity
to check out this Blueberry contraption on my head. =P
We grew up riding (our mom had two Morgan horses and assorted others). I loved it for a long time. Even nowadays, I'll occasionally have the urge to be with horses. The last time that happened, I went up to Estes and rented a horse (a big Belgian!).
Horses, in a word, rock.
Yeah! Well said, Anne!
Also, I have always said that my horses were my psychologists.
Whoo hoo Jenn! I'm so proud of you for going after riding lessons! Are you sure you're not my long lost twin?? ;) I *heart* horses... never understood why *anyone* wouldn't fall in love with them, or with riding... 6 years of lessons, 3 years of catch riding on other people's horses, too long of a break whilst I went to college, and now finally I'm back, riding a horse that a friend of mine owns. I wrote a post on my blog on his birthday, May 20. It was a letter to him posted with a photo. He's 24 - a Thoroughbred/Quarter Horse cross (mostly Thoroughbred) - and still thinks he's 7 and bound for greatness on the racetrack (or on the trail). ;) I can't imagine what a wreck I'll be if I ever let horses fall by the wayside again...
Jenn, you seem to be flourishing with Chance ~ really happy you're taking this opportunity and loving it so much. What is it about horses? they really ARE good therapists (and I don't mean just good therapy). Only when we learn how to communicate with them, do we realize how much the 'get' us and how smart they really are.
I wish the acreage we bought allowed for horses, kicking myself that I didn't hold out for that.
Horses do indeed Rock =)
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