Jun 25, 2008


I am so happy to announce that Max and I are engaged. Shortly after returning from our little trip to Steamboat Springs, Max asked for my hand in marriage. See full details here. I can truly say that since the day I first met Max, nearly 1 year ago, I knew that we he was a very special man. I am blessed everyday that I have spent and will spend with him.


Mummy Grabill said...

And we are blessed to have you join our family. Now you need to see Spaceballs and I need to see Rocky Horror Picture Show and all will be well. :-)

Anne C. said...

Aileen said it best... welcome to the family! We love you already!

Hugs and a Yippppeeeee! :D

Jennifer said...

I left a heartfelt and enthusiastic CONGRATULATIONS on Max's blog, but I wanted to express to you, too, how DELIGHTED I am that you ended up being *the one* to get Max all twitterpated!

For the longest time, Max has felt like a brother to me - a member of my family. I know we only had breakfast together once many moons ago, but I knew right then and there that there was something special about *YOU* too!

So, I hope you don't mind but I'm going to start thinking of you as a sister and Takara as another fur-niece! *HUG*

Congratulations (again)!!!

Unknown said...

And I couldn't be happier for you and Max! Truly wonderful news! Congratulations !!