A lot of progress has been made on the new house and we are less that a week away from our final walk-thru. The excitement for the move grows everyday. We are set to close on Monday, August the 25th...A wonderful day of celebration in many ways. We share the receiving of our new home with John and Brenda's Anniversary.

On the job front; a little over a month ago I put my notice into HealthStyles that I would not be continuing on as their Marketing Manager and as of August 1 I have returned to working with my business partner Pete Stevenson and
Phenix Marketing (please excuse the old site, it is currently under going a major overhaul). I have also been contracted with a local printer,
Color Pro Printing, working with them as a design/marketing consultant. Things are slow out of the gate but I have been able to work with JDC and Pete

on some non-profit projects. The addition of both of the projects have allowed me to begin to flex my creative muscles, reminding me why I loved design so much.
I am looking forward to all of the changes that are taking place in my life right now. Though they present new challenges and sometime growing pains, this new path that is beginning to unfold, is a happy and exciting adventure.
Es "El Corazo'n" que' se llama su casa nueva?
Congratulations on taking the big step of your job change! I love the graphics for the sustainability shirt. Now *that* I'd buy on a t-shirt. ;)
Many hugs...
sí y también el cubo verde.
Ohhh Jenn!!! I've never really seen your work before -- you're quite talented, Chica! ;) Congrats on the new home - hopefully you'll be able to show it off (if not the inside, at least the outside) this weekend!!! *HUG*
Jenn - we've been counting down to your closing date! and keeping and eye on El Corazon for you. :-)
I love the work you did on the t-shirt for Daddy's project - really lovely!
We are looking forward to being neighbor's soon! :-)
Jenn's logo for our sustainability program really won the hearts of the rest of our "committee." We are doing all the woman's shirts with it and a selection of 3 shirt feminine colors. The guys' shirts will have the more masculine version on off-white (flecks of grey).
Jenn's designs were really lovely. John and co are really working hard on that project.
Can't wait to see your moved-in environment. Takara will also be happy.
Look... no more neighbors below to worry about!
Happy house closing.
Well . . .? What's going on at the Green Bucket these days!? There must be something new to blog about. ;-)
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