My business partner Pete brought Googles new Map feature to my attention last week at our meeting when he was looking up the location of one of the CrossFit centers here in Fort Collins. Finding this new "Street View" fascinating I as soon as I got home I shared the new found treasure with Max.
Max called me about 10 minutes ago to tell me to check look at Brian and Aileen's house at the street view level. Low and behold, there were a bunch of cars in front of their house....what occasion could this be?? Quickly remembering that Max, Anne and myself and taken Strider for a walk on one such occasion and having had a Google vehicle with a camera on it's roof pass us, we all wondered, "hmmm, I wonder what that's going to be?"
Well, here are the long awaited results:

This is the front of Brian and Aileen's House - This was shortly after they moved into their beautiful new home and invited all of the crew over for a little get together to celebrate.

Here, to the far right, you can see the back of Anne, Max, myself and Strider as we unknowingly go on our little stroll through the neighborhood.

Check it Google Maps for yourself and see if you've been spotted. Also, check out Max's site for more pictures and a load of info of what we've been up to. I'm hoping that I'll get some more time this evening to write about this past weekend.
I just saw this on Max's site - it's one of the funniest things I've ever seen! I just can't believe it! Of all the days to be doing the street View! LOL
As I said on Max's site, this is more than a little creepy! Kind of like we're not real, but characters in the computer. [shiver]
Matrix, my dear Anne. Matrix.... muahahahahaha!
Wow! these characters look so lifelike! Who'd have thought that you're just digital data in some Google computer somewhere.
On the other hand ... does this mean immortality for the 3 of you (and Puddy)?? Seems to me that until Google updates or purges their data banks, you'll live forever inside the Matrix.
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