Oct 22, 2007

How time passes....

It seems like a dogs year since my last post. I've certainly been keeping busy with this and that.

Last week was filled with all sorts of goodies. At the beginning of the week I ordered the brand new operating system (Leopard) for both of my macs and iWork (apples version of office). The BESTEST surprise of the week came on Wednesday when Max arrived home after running errands and set beside me an 8GB iPod Touch. I was so excited I had a big toothy grin from ear to ear and jumped out of my chair and nearly knocked him over with a giant hug. He of course, got one for himself, exclaiming "what fun is having an iPod by myself".

I'm not fully able to utilize mine until I get the new OS installed on Friday but Max used his PC to get the basics done so I've been playing to explore it a little.

This past weekend I went to Gering, NE to see my dad's parents and some family in from out of town. It proved to be a very fun time. I was able to take Takara with me, which was great, though, she is slow getting used to new people and spent a lot of time barking. With a lot of persistence, she finally warmed up to our noisy little crew. We had what I think was a pre-Thanksgiving meal where there was no shortage of yummies. Turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, stuffing and lets not forget homemade apple and peach pies. Oh MY! Let's just say, I had no trouble stuffing myself silly. Did anyone say nap? =P

My dad and I also had a chance to see some good friends of the family that we aren't able to see often. The visit was very nice and I was able to spend a little time with my 'big sister' Jenny (Practically related but not really).

Max wasn't able to join me on this trip to see the family do to prior engagements but everyone looks forward to meeting him in the very near future.

1 comment:

Mummy Grabill said...

Thanksgiving is my favorite meal - I could eat it any time, any place! Congrats on the iPod - I love mine! I call it my "energy in a box". Have fun!