Sep 20, 2007

If you treasure the beauty...

"If you treasure the beauty that shows all around you and try to add some of your own, Enjoy the companionship others can give you, yet value your moments alone...

If you honor opinions that differ from yours, yet stand up for what you believe, Admire the accomplishments others have made, and take pride in what you can achieve...

If you love those around you and love yourself too, if your spirit is eager and free...

Then you know what it means to life life to it's fullest and be the best 'you' you can be."


Anne C. said...

I love it, and I love your blog, particularly the picture at the top. Thanks so much for including me in your life!

Unknown said...

I enjoy you poetry, Jenn. Your sense for life's dichotomies which make no sense is fun. As I write this the spell checker shows your name (the owner of the blog) as a misspelling... I prefer to let my spells go unchecked, don't you? Thanks for inviting me to your blog.