Sep 21, 2007


I'd stop thinking if only for a moment so that time disappears into the background of my mind.

Staring into the distance with the wind so slightly passing me by. I move gently with it's motion as it passes ever so quickly on it's way.

Thoughts pop up and are quickly dismissed into the ever extending nothingness. I watch in the distance as day becomes night and as time, like the wind, slides past me.

Nothing I hear. Nothing I see...For a moment in time has been a day for me. Moving ever forward as I sit here under a tree.

by Jenn


Mummy Grabill said...

Did you write that Jenn? It's beautiful! Btw, I love the both this picture and the last one! Gorgeous!

jenshy said...

Very nicely writen!

Unknown said...

For me, this simultaneously evokes hope, but with a tinge of ... not sure if its regret or just longing.

I like it! thanks for sharing yourself with us.