Sep 22, 2007

Hiking the Backbone

Today Max, Takara and I did a hike in Loveland along the Devil's Backbone. The name overall is very suiting for the area, since there is practically no shade to speak of. Today is also the first day that Takara has been out for a hike since she broke her leg just 3 months ago. I'm very excited to have her out on the trail with me again. I look forward to the many trips that we will be taking together in the upcoming year.

The morning started early, and as you know, Max was reluctant to get out of bed. Finally with a bit of coaxing with the promise of coffee from the Black Cup, he groaned and left the comforts of sleep behind. We set out on our little journey, stopping for our tasty morning fuel, chatting with Susan and company before we set out for our hike. Max with his Sinful Amaretto, I with the season's best Pumpkin Spice Latte and both with our veggie burritos.

The weather was perfect, not too hot as the sun made it's rise overhead. The colors were that of fall with many bright yellows, reds or oranges that match the clayish dirt below our feet and rocks towering on the ridge. Max and Takara lead our excursion to an overlook and the Key Hole where we could look West on to new developments and the beautiful Longs Peak far in the distance. From here, it was my turn to take the puddy and lead as Max followed behind with his great Tumbleweed disguise.

It wasn't long before our little furry companion tired and we decided it was time to head back to the car. I stopped to take a picture of this seemingly lonely tree in a desert of tall golden grasses, yucca and odd twiggy bushes. Takara was glad to be back at the car and it wasn't long before she was completely sacked out in the backseat.


jenshy said...

I miss Colorado! It sounds like you guys had a lot of fun!

Unknown said...

How fun for the three of you! We were marveling at The Devil's Backbone on the way home from Sunnybank this evening.

I was so worried about Lizzie breaking a leg coming down that rocky descent from Blue Lake, esp as tired as she was. I'd have been racked with guilt if she had been hurt that day. We (including Lizzie) are glad to hear Takara is back in action, we'll look forward to meeting her one of these days.

Mummy Grabill said...

Sounds like you had a lovely time! I really like your story telling style - I got a good feel for the peaceful, meandering day you had. I like how Max piggy-backed off your blog, giving you the job of describing the day (which you did very well!). Cheers! Hope to see you both soon! This weekend has turned kind of crazy . . .

Max Cutrell said...

heeeeey. she wrote it first and . . . I liked her description of the hike so i wanted to share =(

Mummy Grabill said...

Maximo, I meant that in a loving way. You two make quite a tag team and I'm enjoying reading both your blogs!