Jul 9, 2009

Remembering a forgotten love...

Today I was inspired to search through my old portfolio cases and dig out some of my art pieces. Various sketches, paintings and prints jumped at me from hidden corners and I was suddenly reminded of something that seems I'd long forgotten. Sure, I've done a few fine art pieces here and there but nothing with the kind of dedication that I've had before. I would sit and create and lose hours of time for no other reason than just to do.

Having pulled out these treasures and knocked the dust from them, I decided it was time they made their debut, for some it will be a second showing. I look forward to sharing these pieces with you, opening up a long closed part of myself. ~Enjoy

Subject: The Sleeping Indian (A print made from a photograph taken when I was at summer camp at age 13); Medium: Blue India Ink

Subject: Yellow Lab Puppy (Made from a photograph that I took in Aspen); Medium: Scratchboard

Subject: Woman's Portrait (drawn from my imagination); Medium: Pencil
Subject: Taken from an original photo I took during High School Photography Class (The photograph was entered into a local art show taking 2nd place) This image reflects the beginning of my love for taking candid photos. Medium: Pencil

Subject: Wizard (The man's face and beard were taken from a photograph of a scottsman from a local scottish/irish festival with some additional fictional details); Medium: Pencil

Subject: Victoria's Secret Model (this is much better in person, the photo of the original didn't come out well, this piece was also featured in a local art show during college); Medium: Pencil

Subject: I believe that the subject for this was taken from an anatomy book I was referencing. Medium: Conte Crayon & Chalk

Subject: I believe the idea for this was taken from a magazine ad for lubriderm lotion; Medium: Watercolor

Subject: A Wizard from Magic the Gathering Calendar I had lying around, the smaller of the two was my practice canvas; Medum: Oils

Subject: From the depths of my imagination (This was done while I was studying private art lessons) Medium: India Ink & Watercolor

Subject: Photograph from a book of Italy (I fell in love with the depth of the buildings and the umbrellas); Medium: Watercolor


Unknown said...

thank you for sharing these with us, Jenn!

Anonymous said...

What were the mediums used for each, do you remember???

I like the first one, it reminds me of your Alpenglow logo a bit.

#4 is beautiful shading, and a great job on the details of the face, folds in the fabric.

I LOVE LOVE #5 -- I kinda want you to give him a red hat in Photoshop and put him on your '09 christmas cards. What a fun gnome!

#6 I also like her -- there's something about her ribcage/stomach/hips that remind me of Aeon Flux. Remember that MTV adult cartoon??

#7 Conte crayon? I've always wanted to try that... Nice highlighting.

This post makes me want to gather up some of my stuff and create a similar post on OneWandering -- would you mind?!

Anne C. said...

Did you take a life drawing class in school?

Jenn said...

I didn't. I just have always had a passion for drawing figures. Women in particular, I find, are easier to draw than men.

Anne C. said...

Sometime you should, especially if you like drawing figures. It's really fun and is good for stretching one's skills.