Jun 24, 2009

A Brand We Know & LOVE

I wanted to make a quick post regarding a project that has been in process for quite some time. I've been working with The Black Cup Coffee Roaster and The Black Cup to create a new look for the coffee and update the look of the stand. While this project took a lot longer than I would like to admit, I feel very happy with the ultimate outcome of the designs that were produced.

Since the roasting company was the first on the priority list, I'm sure all of the 'regulars' have seen the new logo and labels. If you haven't ordered a new bag in a while or are a Black Cup Coffee virgin, make sure you log-on to The Black Cup Coffee Roaster site to check out this incredible coffee for yourself. I personally recommend the BIG SKY BLEND! (please excuse my little marketing bit....I am in advertising after all!)

Without further delay (or marketing content...LOL!) here are they are:

And because it's always nice to see how these ideas came to be here are some samples of where it all started.


Mummy Grabill said...

Oooooo . . . great job, Jenn!!! Really love it!! I'll have to drive on up there just to see for myself . . . shucky darn! ;-)

Jenn said...

the new drive-through logo has not officially been unveiled. I'm sure Susan will keep us up to date with a rollout plan.