Sep 26, 2008

Special Surprise!

Today has been a great day. I got to go to lunch with a friend that I haven't see in a while and I've really been enjoying working in my new office.

A few days ago our friend Jen in Maryland sent an email letting Max and I know that we would be receiving a goodie package. WELL, to our great delight the package arrived today and in true Jen style, she went all out.

My eyes lit up as we ripped through the tape. There were cookies, coffee, favors, dog biscuits, a beautiful throw, two of the niftiest coffee mugs and lots more. There were cards for each of us wishing us well. Max had to read Takra's to her since my eyes were starting to well with tears with all of the kindness. We love you Jen...Thank you SOOOOO much!!!

To finish our fabulous Friday, Max and I will be going to see "Burn After Reading" and possibly grabbing a bite to eat.


Mummy Grabill said...

What a lovely surprise! Good friends are priceless! :-) I need to stop by sometime and see your new rug and comfy office.

Jennifer said...

YAY!!! I'm so glad you got the package and everything in it shipped OK... I was worried b/c I'd stuffed it so full there wasn't room for padding! ;)

I hope this stuff really helped you guys to have a good houseWARMING, and I can't wait to see pictures of the new pad!

How are you and Takara healing up? I hope she liked her cookies! Tell her next time, I'll send homemade!

How was Burn After Reading? I was supposed to go see it tonight, but I've got a bit of a cold so I cancelled...

Love you guys muchos muches! Hopefully we'll be able to chat/visit soon! :) *HUG*