Sep 16, 2008

News from The Bucket

It's has been a long while since I have posted on my little spot in cyberspace. Since the move to Erie things have been a mix of exciting and stressful. We are settling in nicely to our new accommodations and all healing up from the incidents of a 3 weeks ago.

I'm finally in the process of getting my office set up and am very excited to design my space. On the working front, I've decided to step back from my involvement with the printer in Fort Collins and look for a part time position a little closer to home. I have a few prospects in my sights that I will send a resume/application for next week. I have many friends and family that have helped to put my mind at ease with taking steps to get back into the workplace, as well as, help me to deal with some of my initial hesitations due to the my injured finger.

Some other exciting news that happened in the past couple of weeks was while my mom was down helping Max and I. Everything fell into place that would allow my mom and her parents to move back to Colorado. My mom will be moving into her new apt in Longmont on October 4th, followed by my grandparents moving into their place, also in Longmont, towards the end of the month. I can't express in words just how happy I will be to have them close again. It has been nearly 8 years since they have lived closer than 3 hours away.

An update on the healing front. Takara is now 14 days into her recover and scheduled to have her stitches removed this Thursday. After which she will be released to begin her PT and hopefully a full, pain-free recovery. Max has healed from his bite wounds and has been doing a most wonderful job taking care of is girls. LOL!! I have recovered from most of my bites and have news from my recent visit to the Orthopod, that my finger is healing very well. I had my stent removed a week ago from when I had my kidney stone removed and am doing well from that.

Thank you to all, friends and family, for the support that you have extended to Max, Takara and I. Thank you!

That's all for now. HUGS!!!


Mummy Grabill said...

Yayyy, an update! ;-) That is such great news about your mom and grandparents. I'm looking forward to meeting them one day. It is a truly a blessing to have family close by.

Jennifer said...

I agree, "Yay, an update!" I'm so glad that things are finally calming down and that there is so much good news on the horizon!

Yesterday I mailed a huge package to Mircos Street, so get ready to re-celebrate your housewarming!!!

I love you guys and hope to hear from you soon! *HUG*

Unknown said...

Wonderful about your family moving closer. I am glad, also, that Takara has had her stitches out (although this comment belongs to the later blog).
Thanks for keeping us posted and allowing a peek into your process.