Mar 4, 2008

Surprise Visit

This evening I was blessed with a surprise visit from Krissy and Felicity(Sp?), while Max was at volleyball, to extend a bit of cheer. I had some rough plans made with a friend for this evening that got canceled at the last minute. I admittedly felt a bit bummed which Max took notice of before leaving for the gym. He made a call to Gabe and Krissy to see if they might be up for grabbing a coffee or ice cream.

Krissy and Felicity were welcomed guests. (as you can see from the photos...Takara and Felicity were fast friends) This was fantastic experience for Takara as this was one of her first experiences with a child. It was truly wonderful to see how they interacted and played.

I was also presented with beautiful orchids. A most pleasant treat!

As it turns out I was able to offer a bit of help myself, Felicity was having a bit of trouble with her new iPod Shuffle and we managed to get it up and running before they left.

It was a wonderful visit and I am very grateful to have such wonderful friends and people in my life.

Thank you to all!!


Mummy Grabill said...

How lovely! The orchid is beautiful!

Jennifer said...

Oh, those orchids are P-R-E-T-T-Y! And Takara is so dang cute! *HUG*

Unknown said...

Beautiful orchids! And Takara (aka Smudgepot) is just adorable! She looks very inquisitive at the "smalllish person"! Glad that the socialization for Takara went so well!