Feb 7, 2008

Rover Bowl

Sunday Max and I went with Gregg and Amy to Georgetown to participate in the annual Rover Bowl an Ice Racing competition that takes place on the Georgetown Lake.

The day started bitterly cold with high winds kicking up ice and snow. While the guys braved the weather, Amy and I stayed hunkered in the warm vehicles. Land Rover did an excellent job organizing the event.

Max and Gregg took the lead in the practice rounds. Then it was time for Amy and I to take the wheel. The day was a blast, the food was fantastic and the company was the best.

After a one of a kind morning, we were off to Brian and Aileen's for a fun filled evening watching the Super Bowl.


Mummy Grabill said...

I think what you guys did is so cool! I think I'd be scared at first - but what fun it would be!

Unknown said...

Sorry I missed this post earlier, nice pics =) We had a fantastic time too, so glad you guys came!!

Even if my Official time was close to last (which it probably was), I had two of the best 360ยบ spins of he day; one while racing and one while driving Land Rover's test LR2 =D