Nov 8, 2007


These past couple of weeks I have been struggling to let go of attachments that I have developed for one reason or another. As I experience life, I find that I am forced to face these ideas head on, deal with the fear, self-doubt or misunderstands that come with them, yet I am unable to just let go, despite how silly they seem.

I have spent a lot of time with my nose buried in my own ideas of where the road 'should' lead that I never saw the scenery. This view of life made me somewhat blind to the 'real' world around me. I understand what needs to be done, but I seem to be getting in my own way. 

Where do I start? Is it like shedding winter layers, as you peal off each layer, leaving them behind you as you move forward? I picture a women, arms outstretched behind her as her heavy winter jacket falls to the ground and floats away into the distance as she moves ever forward not looking back. With each step she seems lighter and the world around her just a bit brighter.

"Eternity has already started!
Forever comes along one right-now at a time. This is eternity. It will always be like this. Oh, the circumstances will change constantly, but it will still be just one instant at a time. I'm not saying live for the moment, just in it. Learn to stop reminiscing about the past, daydreaming about the future, or fantasizing about what you should have said. If you don't learn to live in the present, you will miss moment at a time."

1 comment:

Anne C. said...

Best of luck in your journey, Jenn! Everything's a learning experience, including figuring out what to shed and when. :)