Sep 23, 2007

Nifty Photos

Hodi's Half Note - Fort Collins

Takara waiting for her treat at a local coffee drive-up

Afternoon Rainbow - Fort Collins

Sunset over the Rockies
Takara's first hydration pack (made by Outward Hound)


Mummy Grabill said...

How does the hydration pack work for Takara? Does it come with a bowl attachment or can she learn how to sip from the tube? Does Outward Hound have rain coats for dogs? We've been thinking about getting Strider a rain coat or something since he HATES to walk in the rain or snow (especially if it's cold) . . . I know, what a wuss! :-)

Jenn said...

The hydration pack is set up so that you can use the hose to either squirt the water into a packable bowl (not included but there is an extra pocket) or squirt the water for them to drink out of the hose or for you to drink out of like a normal camelbak. It's a nifty little multi-use system.

I'm not sure about the rain coats but I think I saw something on Gregg or Amy's site for Lizzy from Drizabone

Jenn said...

...spelled Lizzie's name wrong...Sorry Lizzie :)

Unknown said...

Lizzie has had several lovely DrizaBone rain coats, but the current one is flannel lined for Colorado conditions. We bought one for Jag at his mummy's request; wish we'd have known that Strider needed one too, not nearly as inexpensive to get one now :-(

Takara's hydro-pack sounds cool! We have a little fold-up bowl for Lizzie (from Ruff-Wear I think) and I got her a backpack to carry it in, plus kibble and a few extra "dookie bags" but we carry her water. Two litres of water in each of our packs is plenty for all to share. With the bite valve, I found that sucking in a big mouthful and then spitting it into the bowl is the best approach ~ but it gets some looks from fellow hikers :-/

Unknown said...

p.s. Lizzie isn't worried how you spell her name, as long as you call her on-time for dinner (lol!)