Oct 17, 2008

The Place We Call Home...

El Corazón (The Heart)
The Green Bucket
: A vessel for drawing in and holding love, family, warmth, support, laughter, tears, hugs, kisses and memories.


Dining Room

Living Room


Main/Hall Bath

Powder Room

Max's Office

Guest Bedroom

Jenn's Office

This house has been approved by "The Inspector General"


Jennifer said...

Oh Jenn, it's so beautiful!!! You've done a great job decorating it so far; it feels so peaceful! *HUG* But I wonder, where's the obligatory "dog taking over the floor" or "dog in the new backyard" photo? ;)

Can't wait to come visit you both and see it in person!

Stacey said...

The house looks great! I too, can't wait to see it in person.

Unknown said...

I can vouch for the nice energy in this home, its a wonderful space to enjoy and share life with you, Max, and Takara.

Mummy Grabill said...

I see you've been busy putting some pictures up on the walls! Looks wonderful! It truly is a peaceful and comfortable place to be - we look forward to many memories and good times there.

Unknown said...

Beautiful picture! Great to see the rooms. Thanks!

Anne C. said...

Beautiful! I'm sure it's already starting to collect some good times. :)